Assessments serve as a quick way to get a sense of self and perspective. They provide a snapshot of current conditions and form a framework individuals, teams, and organizations can use to communicate concepts efficiently.
Karl Bimshas Consulting offers several types of leadership assessments which you can use for yourself or your organization.
Hartman Value Profile Management Assessment
The Hartman Value Profile measures a person’s capacity to make value judgments about the world and one’s self. This assessment measures an individual’s problem-solving skills and ability to avoid the blind spots associated with situational bias. This assessment measures an individual’s thinking patterns. Intuitive Thinking (People), Practical Thinking (Task), and Conceptual Thinking (Systems).
Emotional Intelligence (EIQ)
This assessment helps you understand the correlation between the way you apply your current EIQ and the outcome of your interactions with others. This knowledge lends itself to better decision making, leadership, and reading the emotions of others. Every individual is capable of improving their emotional intelligence with heightened self- awareness. This assessment offers a roadmap to begin.
The Motivators Assessment
This measures seven dimensions; Aesthetic, Economic, Individualistic, Power, Altruistic, Regulatory, and Theoretical, revealing an an in-depth diagnostic of your inherent motivations. The report provides a detailed analysis of your general traits, presents your key strengths, and tailored motivational and training recommendations for optimizing workplace performance and personal fulfillment.
The DISC Leadership Report
DISC gives you a vivid picture of your natural and adaptive forms of communication, and how you work and interact with others. Its goal is to help you build and then maximize productive relationships. You keep your unique personality and learn what drives other people. Review your strengths, preferred workstyle, and ideal environment. Understand your motivational wants and needs, discover what causes you stress and why you respond to conflict in particular ways. Receive communication tips, areas for improvement, strategies to reduce conflict, and how to adapt to enjoy healthier relationships with others.
These and other tools can be used as standalone reports, be incorporated into group training, individual leadership coaching, or folded into a mix of wider consultative needs you may have.
Tell me if Karl Bimshas Consulting can be of assistance for any of your leadership development or accountability needs. In the meantime, have a very happy and productive new year.