The Positive Accountability Partner Program

One, three, or six-month agreements are available

Your personalized Kick-Ass Boss program begins with an initial zero-cost consultation to see if you think Karl Bimshas Consulting is a fit for you.

Decide which agreement length you can commit to and schedule an Objectives Session to develop your goals, address organizational and time management challenges, and conduct initial planning.

Each week, you review your progress and create relevant goals, tasks, and deadlines for the next week with your accountability partner.

Mid-week check-in If you so elect, you can receive a mid week check-in from Karl Bimshas Consulting, inquiring about your progress, providing encouragement, and helping you brainstorm any challenges you have encountered during the week.

Focus Calls happen in the third week, and allows you time to focus exclusively on one pressing question, issue, concern, or barrier you’ve encountered.

After Action Review At 30 days, you have an After Action Review session with Karl Bimshas Consulting to review what's worked and what has not. If you signed up for the one month Rapid Results plan you can renew, expand to a longer plan, or conclude the engagement.


Maybe not. It’s rare, but some people work fine without external support and validation, reporting only to themselves. That freedom and emotional liberation are vital for them to thrive. However, many people need an external influence to give them a jumpstart or a kick in the pants.

Seriously consider the Kick-Ass Boss Program with Karl Bimshas Consulting if …

  • You procrastinate but work well with an impending deadline.
  • You know you’re more productive when you have someone to report to.
  • You are struggling to manage unstructured time or are fooling yourself by putting tasks on the calendar but aren’t getting them done.
  • You’re not getting the level of reinforcement you need.

Learn More About Karl Bimshas Consulting

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