Set aside your personal development goals and put away any management books you’re reading for the rest of the year. Pope Francis just outlined “15 Ailments of the Curia” and it’s all you need to assess you and your team’s performance, regardless of … [Read more...]
Poor Planning
3 Common Mistakes Busy Professionals Make That Keep Them Feeling Anxious About Planning Their Year. Learn how to avoid making those same mistakes yourself with this better planning guide from Karl Bimshas … [Read more...]
Plan on Success
At the end of every year, busy professionals are faced with the problem of a nagging sensation that they neglected their personal goals; because they did. Sustaining high-performance in your professional life can take a toll. That’s why I … [Read more...]
20 Interests
Several weeks ago, a friend referred me to a TED Talk video with Larry Smith, titled. "Why you will fail to have a great career." A blunt, funny, and all too true talk, worth checking out. There is a brief section where he discusses the difference … [Read more...]
4 Musts for Building a Successful Team
Here are what I believe are four musts to build a successful team / organization / family. A word of caution; they do not come easy and you will have to refine them to meet your culture. Of course there other components, like technical and job … [Read more...]
Have a Point of View and Act on Purpose
Has anyone ever asked you want kind of leader you want to be? How about what kind of parent, or student, or roommate, or any other role you can think of? Have you asked yourself? If your answer is yes, good for you. I hope you’re living up to your … [Read more...]
Don’t Measure Time. Measure Times.
A calendar is a tool that lets you peer into the future or revisit the past by way of milestones. With a quick glance, you can plan for graduations or remember anniversaries. A clock is a more forward focused tool. It keeps unrelenting track of the … [Read more...]
The Authenticity of Faking
When was the last time you tried something new? I don't mean a variation of a Starbucks coffee (though I know for some, that would rock their world). I mean trying something new in your craft. And not something you already think you're good or bad … [Read more...]
Passion is Not Enough
Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of people distressed over not being able to find their passion. They scramble looking for it with an urgency and panic that’s reminiscent of someone late for work searching for their car keys. The error in this … [Read more...]
You Don’t Have To Be a Leader To Be a Role Model
You're a role model. You may not know it. You may not like it. You may try to reject it, saying you never asked to be one. It doesn't matter. You are someone's role model. Kids, for one, either your own or their friends, maybe a niece … [Read more...]
How to Talk to Yourself Better
Let's acknowledge that everyone talks to themselves. Whether it's done consciously and out loud as a method to work through a problem; or subconsciously to unwittingly either build or subvert self-confidence, we all travel with that voice. Writers … [Read more...]
Browsing Someday Aisle
During the frenzy of holiday shopping, make sure you pick up something for yourself from the someday aisle. It’s well stocked with hopes, wishes and dreams that you have deferred because of other priorities. You might find an old business plan, … [Read more...]
Finish Strong
End the year with a bang, not a blah. Since 2009 Karl Bimshas Consulting has been helping motivated leaders artists and entrepreneurs find the a-ha within and reach their goals. There aren’t many days left in this year and you might be … [Read more...]
You are here. How do you feel about that?
Depending on your perspective, this year is coming to a close too fast, or not fast enough. Either way, are you prepared to finish strong or start smart? The holiday season is often harried, filled with gatherings, gift-giving, gratitude and … [Read more...]
It’s Hump Day, So What?
Time is a valuable resource, but if you’re using it to measure the passage of itself, you’re missing out. Better to measure ‘times’. Like the number of times you eat with your family every week. The number of times you read a story to a … [Read more...]
Importance in What You Do
What you do is not nearly as important as you think. And what you think is important, is not nearly as important as what you do. Circular logic? No. It’s a call to be humble. You may in fact be in a very important position, sitting behind a desk, … [Read more...]
Killing Despondency with a Great Goal
In this brief talk, Karl Bimshas urges the killing of despondency, particularly in our youth, with a great goal. Current Motivation Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Reflections on Leadership on BlogTalkRadio … [Read more...]
The Practice of Sincerity
“Practice what you preach and act with integrity,” are phrases that people throw about frequently, along with words like genuine, credible, authentic and sincere. During the Roman Empire, less reputable potters and sculptors would fill … [Read more...]
Let’s Eradicate Despondency
When I was in college, I returned home one Friday for a long weekend. I met my mom in the afternoon, and she told me about a troubling sight she had seen earlier in the day. A school bus had stopped beside her, and the faces of sullen and despondent … [Read more...]
Attracting Success
This month Karl Bimshas Consulting is giving away tools to help leaders, artists and entrepreneurs find the aha within. Today, the popular program, "Attracting Success; A Goal Planner Primer for High Performing Goal Getters" Find out … [Read more...]
Leaders, Artists and Entrepreneurs
There are thousands of definitions for leaders, artists and entrepreneurs. Here’s what they mean at Karl Bimshas Consulting: Leaders - Influence the achievement of a vision. Artists - Create through imagination and … [Read more...]