Leaders often struggle to align their actions with core values, which can lead to misaligned priorities and unintentional decisions. What if a simple tool could uncover the hidden dynamics of your core values and transform your … [Read more...]
Leadership Workbooks
Need a little nudge to get you inspired, active and leading well? Yes, you do. Check out this collection of Leadership Workbooks from Karl Bimshas Consulting at LeadershipWorkbooks.com Pick one to start, or grab them all to create a private … [Read more...]
Attracting Success
Good News! You can set goals anytime you want. Download Attracting Success, a 22-page workbook to help you find your values and purpose, and then put them to work for you on the most critical areas of your life. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE … [Read more...]
What’s Your Temperature?
Are you running hot or cold today? Let's find out. Give yourself 0-10 points for each behavior. -Did you act with kindness?-Do you feel grateful?-Do you have curiosity? -Did you show enthusiasm?-Have you demonstrated determination?-Do you possess … [Read more...]
Accountability Partner Methods
You might not be aspiring for the highest office in the land, but an accountability partner can certainly help you reach your important career, business, or personal growth goals. From simple weekly check-ins to intensive goal-setting, Karl Bimshas … [Read more...]
Better Sales Management
When you run your own business, or are leading a sales team, not only do you need to meet your revenue goals, you have to predict the future, manage egos (including your own) and stay upbeat. It’s too easy to get sidetracked. When you invest a few … [Read more...]
Are you Running a Learning Organization?
No matter the size of your organization, if you want to become more efficient, increase productivity, increase profit, and grow client satisfaction, there is no better way than building a workplace environment geared toward continuous … [Read more...]
Leadership Fitness Checklist
By now, the majority of those who joined a gym to support their New Year resolution are having second thoughts. They’re not committed to their commitment. For the majority, the pain it takes to achieve their goal is not worth the effort. Of course, … [Read more...]
How to Apologize: A Periodic Reminder
Because so few get it right, here is a periodic reminder on how to properly apologize. No, saying "sorry" isn't enough, and being inconvenienced by another's lack of belief in your remorse isn't their problem, it's yours. Also, don't demand an … [Read more...]
Leadership Assessments
Assessments serve as a quick way to get a sense of self and perspective. They provide a snapshot of current conditions and form a framework individuals, teams, and organizations can use to communicate concepts efficiently. Karl Bimshas Consulting … [Read more...]
Twenty Nineteen
Thanks for a great 2018! Here's to a Happy 2019! Download "Make Space" for Free … [Read more...]
Dyslexia, Dysthymia, and Determination
I am not a fan of "woe is me" authors who overshare all the problems in their life. I am partial to a stoic approach. We all have our battles, many of them private, and that is a personal choice. Not every malady has to be posted and commented upon. … [Read more...]
Can You Do Better with Account Management?
I’ve been struck by how few micro, small, and mid-size businesses, regardless of their level of success, have any kind of Account Management process for their important clients. Any size business with a clean Account Management process, can … [Read more...]
Fun Tool for Your Development
The Leadership Development Box is a Fun Tool! Karl Bimshas Consulting’s Leadership Development Box is a great visual and kinesthetic tool to be more engaging in your development discussions. A favorite with HR professionals, trainers, and better … [Read more...]
Do My Employees Need External Coaching?
Is it worth investing in outside coaching for a direct report who is facing change or second-guessing his or her abilities? Here are five questions to help you find the right answer. 1. Is his or her current performance or potential, … [Read more...]
Bring a SIDE of Leadership
The world would be better if everyone, regardless of their role, carried a SIDE of leadership. Service: Be of service. Help. Assist. Act on behalf of others. Serve people, or a cause, an idea, beyond yourself. Integrity: Hold yourself to honest … [Read more...]
Your Performance
National Boss’s Day is a great time to reflect on your performance, even if you work alone and you're your own boss. Download a free pdf from Karl Bimshas Consulting and assess yourself, a key individual or an entire team. Have a desire … [Read more...]
Many Ways
Not doing it your way doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it different. There are many ways to do many things. Often, managers, in particular, feel like they know the best way to do something. This is seldom true. They know one way and assume … [Read more...]
You Can Be an Amazing Leader. We Can Help.
One of the best ways to avoid lousy leaders is by becoming a better leader yourself. When you do that, two things happen. You gain some insight and perhaps empathy for the leader which gives you a thoughtful perspective. You gain the skill, … [Read more...]
We Don’t Solve Your Problems
You don't need to be rescued, saved, or protected. You need to be reminded, heard, and respected. We don't solve your problems. We show you the tools you could use yourself to solve your own damn problems in your own beautiful way. Your needs … [Read more...]
10 Year Anniversary of The Disposable Journal
Are you tired of carrying anger, sadness, or fear that is immobilizing you or holding you back? It’s time to let it go, regain control and invest in you. The daily prompts you receive in the disposable journal can help you do that in seven … [Read more...]
Fail Well
Reminder, if you're not afraid to fail, you are already a stronger leader than most. It means you have humility and curiosity. You may have fears, but they are not greater than your bravery. If you do fail, your attitude ensures you'll still learn … [Read more...]
How Much Do You Pay in Lousy Leader Tax?
Leaders play an important role in any organization. Great ones have a compound additive effect which we frequently celebrate. Are those accolades overstated? If esteemed polls and studies are to be believed, we seldom crack the 30-35% range of fully … [Read more...]
14 Reasons
Here are 14 common reasons busy professionals seek leadership development with Karl Bimshas Consulting. How many are true for you? I am questioning my motivations, values, and purpose. I think my decision making is wishy-washy, but I am … [Read more...]
Rejecting Leadership
There's a trend where a lot of good people are distancing themselves from the term, "leader," because it leaves a bad taste in their mouth. What about you? Do you reject leadership? I can't blame you, you might have lousy role models, be … [Read more...]
Pushing Back the Ocean
When we are focused on pursuing meaningful goals, it is easier to push back on the unrelenting wave of cynics crashing across our path. Introduction: Tide Turning It’s amazing to me the number of people I have come across who do not appear to put … [Read more...]
The Write Goal; How to Finally Get Your Writing Project Written
I've come across many people filled with a desire to start their writing project. Nearly all of them have a book in them, but few can get it out. Introducing a new program from Karl Bimshas Consulting. In The Write Goal, you'll … [Read more...]
Your 90 Day Review
1. Review the last 90 days of your life. You set some big goals -- how ya doing? Do you need to adjust them? Don't go smaller. Reach higher. 2. You met new people. Did anyone positively influence your life, your goals, your success? Have you … [Read more...]
Don’t Be the A-Hole on The Team
How can you be a good team leader without being an a-hole? They say there’s no I in team, yet, executive suites and corner offices remain havens for barrel-chested man-babies who treat people like they are disposable. In “Don’t Be the A-Hole on … [Read more...]
How to Fix Your Whine at Work
Whining is unattractive, unproductive and unprofessional. I’m pleased to announce part-one of a new three-part leadership series of e-books for busy professionals who want to manage better and lead well. “How to Fix Your Whine at … [Read more...]
Simple Rule
Ask yourself, “What would a lousy leader do?” Then, make damn sure you don’t do that. Success leaves clues, so does failure. Pay attention to the lessons that surround you. Very few wake up in the morning determined to be a lousy leader, but through … [Read more...]
You’ve Got This
Great leaders do not get that way overnight. They face obstacles and the temptation to take the easy way out. Unlike lousy leaders, they do not succumb when things get difficult. Effective leaders persevere through crisis and stay fixated on their … [Read more...]
Why? Because!
Once you become an adult, there's something you can stop doing, but most don't. It is important to know your *why* - the motivation, inspiration, reason that compels you to pursue the big goal in your life. It helps you to understand why, but you do … [Read more...]
There’s a lot of Great Leadership Out There
There's a lot of great leadership out there. The problem is, many of the great leaders are not in leadership positions. Partly because some of them do not consider what they do to be leadership. Their humility is refreshing, but they are wrong, … [Read more...]
Today is Your 90 Day Review
Review the last 90 days of your life. You set some big goals -- how ya doing? Do you need to adjust them? Don't go smaller. Reach higher. You met new people. Did anyone positively influence your life, your goals, your success? Have you … [Read more...]
Sometimes You Are Wrong
You are not infallible. You make mistakes. It is an uncomfortable feeling, knowing you goofed. Many people try to avoid the sensation of being wrong by never speaking up, never standing up, never venturing into the unknown. They feel safe and secure … [Read more...]
Are You Acting On Purpose?
I believe happiness and purposefulness come about by the active pursuit of a worthy goal. Therefore if you want to be happy, you should never be without a great goal. Imagine if every woman, man, and child you know had at least one great goal that … [Read more...]
How You Doin’?
When was the last time you asked someone how they were doing? Here's how you can tell if someone is more concerned with power than they are with good leadership. Someone concerned with power is going to use "I" and "Me" when they speak. When … [Read more...]
Never Feel Lost
When you know your purpose and values, you feel great about making decisions that support who you want to be and where you want to go. When you set your mind on your dreams and you celebrate along the way, you are making … [Read more...]
Knowing Your Values
Here's why knowing your values is so important. When you know them, you make decisions faster, and those decisions support you, they don't sabotage you. You know the difference between when you are acting congruent with your values, and when you are … [Read more...]
Daily Focus
Try The Daily Focus -List 10 things you need to do that will bring you closer to your goal. -Brainstorm 10 ideas to improve a problem you're facing. -Give 10 compliments to other people. -List 10 things you're grateful … [Read more...]
Free Planning Bundle
Thanks for following Karl Bimshas Consulting. We are grateful for the opportunity to help develop your leadership, challenge your thinking, widen your perspective or make you laugh. Please accept this gift. The “Planning Bundle” includes … [Read more...]
30 Ways You Can Manage Better and Lead Well
Effective management and leadership can be difficult. There are days (and nights) when external motivation or internal inspiration is lacking, and you feel directionless. That is not a luxury you can afford if you are serious about managing better … [Read more...]
18 Lame Excuses
Below are eighteen commonly made (and lame) excuses you may have heard -- or made -- for not engaging in something new. See if any of these excuses sound familiar and review the suggested no-nonsense remedies to help you achieve your next great … [Read more...]
Hedge Less; Lead Better
Those who have read my work for a while know that insight frequently strikes me via the rule of threes. The first mention of something might prompt me to make a casual note. The second mention prompts familiarity and begins to breed curiosity. The … [Read more...]
Podcast Appearance
I was honored to be interviewed by guest host Patrick Antrim, on Talent Culture's #WorkTrends Podcast recently. We discussed leadership and why I believe you should resist using generational labels. You can read a recap and listen to the show … [Read more...]
Writing Letters to Your Younger Self is Facing the Wrong Direction
It is all the rage, particularly during graduation season, for well-meaning self-help gurus to encourage you to write a letter to your younger self. Invariably to find words of wisdom accumulated through years of experience which support the phrase, … [Read more...]
Problem: Many Managers Don’t Give a C.R.A.P.
There are plenty of articles and opinions on how to become a better manager and leader, but nearly all of them are blind to the overwhelming evidence that 50-65% of managers don't give a crap. That may be a generous number. Take a look at Gallup and … [Read more...]
Run an After Action Review for Your Year
It is now the season when countless articles on how to plan your year pop up like premature Crocus. These systems will ask you to dig deep and often provide a daunting number of exercises designed to make you think, dream, pray, meditate or vision … [Read more...]
Your Year Was Not Great
Your year was not great. The majority of the people you know didn't have a great year either. How can that be? Most people start the year filled with hope and optimism. Great attributes, but a poor substitute for persistence and pragmatism. … [Read more...]
Lisa Invested in Leadership Development
Lisa Invested in Leadership Development [inbound_button font_size="20" color="#ff8000" text_color="#ffffff" icon="" url="http://www.bimshasconsulting.com/monthly-offer/" width="" target="_blank"]I want to know more[/inbound_button] … [Read more...]
Don’t Wonder. Plan.
Make a better plan. We can show you how. [inbound_button font_size="20" color="#ff8000" text_color="#ffffff" icon="folder-open" url="http://www.bimshasconsulting.com/downloads/planning-bundle/" width="" target="_blank"]Planning … [Read more...]
Decide with SPICE
When your task list becomes too long and neglected and reads like a list of forgotten dreams, or you are regularly swamped with new ideas, resist the urge to dabble. Dabbling in a few things will only dilute your focus and energy. So, how do you … [Read more...]
Your Leadership Agenda
Create a leadership agenda so you can manage better and lead well. Your Leadership Agenda Your attitude, your appearance, and your approach are the three building blocks of your leadership agenda. Your leadership agenda is how you plan on … [Read more...]
Leadership Snapshot
Often we make snap judgments about leaders. Our instinct and gut are legitimate tools; unfortunately, they sometimes cloud objectivity. By looking at five key attributes, we force ourselves to slow down long enough to explore nuance. When we pause … [Read more...]
Leaders and Artists
Leaders and artists, particularly writers, share many traits. An excellent leader doesn’t get to be that way without a sense of creativity and artistry. Likewise, an artist shapes opinions, causes introspection and moves the spirit, if not the body. … [Read more...]
Remember Context
When you stop to think about an interaction with someone or a group of people, it is easy to reflect on three components. You. Them. Your conversation with them. Rudimentary, yet you probably don't think about it too much, except when you are … [Read more...]
Focus Can Be Difficult
Focus can be difficult. There are so many welcome and unwelcome distractions in our world. If you don't know your vision, purpose, and values, the challenge is even greater. Start defining them so your decision-making can get easier. Next list an … [Read more...]
Organize Your Thoughts
Some people are great at creating lists. They have impressive lists. Accomplishing tasks, a little less so. Some people are decisive and action oriented. They get lots of things done fast, and then they redo a lot of things faster. Some people … [Read more...]
Decide How You are Going to Lead
A good number of leadership problems I see come about because the leader has never given any thought to the question, “How are you going to lead?” Many are dumbfounded. Though to be fair, if you ask a writer, “How are you going to write?” there … [Read more...]
When you Imitate what Successful People do, You will not Stand Out.
When you are leading well, you constantly look for what can give you and your team an edge on results while supporting your mission, vision, and values. You could search for someone who is successful in an area you want greater improvement in, and … [Read more...]
Leadership Maintenance
Now and then you need to take a look under the leadership hood and make sure things are running well. Start by inspecting your biggest goal. Run a self-diagnosis of six systems: Your Operating Principle - What you are trying to achieve? … [Read more...]
Expect the Best, Plan for the Worst
While I was growing up, I often heard the popular refrain, “Expect the best and plan for the worst.” I attributed it to the weather. In New England, you might plan a nice picnic, but if you were smart, you also prepared a contingency for rain, or … [Read more...]
Avoiding Burnout
I once worked with an organization where people started vanishing. Some of it was planned. A few moved on to bigger and better things. The vast majority, however, were being laid off, one at a time, so for a while, it was drip, drip, drip. During … [Read more...]
You goofed. Now what?
Candidly, you won't see this properly demonstrated by people in the public eye too often. On the other hand, exceptional leaders know how, when, and why to apologize. Follow the six steps below to stand out as a better leader who shows respect and … [Read more...]
4th Quarter Celebration
Call me biased, but I love October 1st. Yes, it's my birthday, and that adds to the festive spirit. It's my favorite season. I prefer the chill in the air, and the sight of the last gasps of color bursting from the leaves of trees. Alas, the current … [Read more...]
Cultivating Success
Last week I had a delightful discussion with a colleague about our individual writing processes. As we talked between sips of coffee, it became clear that we had a mutual tendency to make things more complex than they have to be. I hastily narrowed … [Read more...]
Your Management Control Book: Part One
If you want to manage better and lead well, you have to take deliberate action. One tool that is critical for effective managers is the management control book. Whether this resides on your computer or smartphone, is a physical binder you lug around, … [Read more...]
Check Your Alignment
This weekend, as you wind down from one season and prepare for the next, invest a few moments in yourself and do the following alignment check-up. Grab a piece of paper and fold it, so you have two columns with four rows each; that's eight boxes … [Read more...]
Get a Better Handle on Your Week
Ready to get a better handle on your week? Don't make a to-do list; you have already got plenty of those. Instead, grab your calendar and today, schedule ten activities that are important to you. If you are having trouble, come up with two … [Read more...]
10 Tips to Manage Better and Lead Well
Here's a special delivery for you today. 1. You become what you think about most often. 2. Continually upgrade your attitude. 3. Exercise your brain. 4. Learn to seize opportunities. 5. Invest in your personal … [Read more...]
How Can I Lead Better?
Part Two of a series As an effective leader you are asking yourself that question on a regular basis. This series is for busy professionals who want to find easier ways to improve their essential leadership skills. Below are ten more statements … [Read more...]
Find 60 Ways to Get Your It Together
Modern leaders and managers live with uncertainty. The difference is, the uncertainty does not immobilize them, it emboldens them. The tools at their disposal are no different from those anyone else has access to. It is their brain and the deliberate … [Read more...]
What Skills Should I Improve?
Regardless of your occupation, you should always be working on improving your skills. Choosing not to would be reckless and invite career derailment. When you work for an organization, there's no shortage of feedback loops telling you what to … [Read more...]
Background Work to Start Planning Your Career, No Matter Where in Your Career You Are
It is graduation season, and whether you are finishing off college, high school, or reminiscing about when you did, those many years ago, it is a good time to think about where you want to go next. How are you going to spend your time … [Read more...]
Letting Someone Else Prepare Your Personal Developmental Plan Makes It Theirs, Not Yours
While there are tons of internal and external resources to help you build your personal development plan, the only person who should be creating it is you. If not, you become subject to the whim and inherent biases of others. They may mean well, but … [Read more...]
In Which One of These Five Areas Could You Lead Better?
If leadership is the ability to influence the behavior of others. Leadership skill could be defined behaviorally by a range of activities grouped loosely into the following categories: Initiating and Maintaining action Directing and … [Read more...]
Low Commitment, High Impact Online Coaching Plans
Grab a shot of inspiration. https://www.coach.me/KarlBimshas … [Read more...]
How Are You Planning Your Week?
I'm starting to post quick (under two minute) leadership questions, tips and thought starters on Anchor. If you're there I hope you'll dip your toes in. If not, listen below. … [Read more...]
How to Reflect: “Huh? No Duh. A-ha!”
Busy professionals are notorious for not making time to reflect on their activities. “Too busy,” they say. Which is an ineffective excuse. Periodically take stock of your current level of awareness to learn what you are doing, or could be … [Read more...]
Charter Excellence Ahead of Time
Most people say they want to achieve high performance. A smaller number will actually put in the effort to achieve that goal. When pressed, many cite they are too busy to do the things necessary to reach a higher standard. In practice, it has little … [Read more...]
4 Triggers for Workplace Dysfunction
There are four common triggers I regularly see playing out in the workplace. Yes, there are plenty of others, but these four are prevalent. Ineffective Communication Ego Protection Fear of Uncertainty Rewarding Off Purpose You can … [Read more...]
Learning Journal
As a leader, do you have a personal or professional learning plan, or do you think you're fine as is? For the near-term you might be okay, but without a regular discipline of learning, your effectiveness will be limited. An implicit skill of … [Read more...]
Where to Start Your Leadership Development
You want to improve your leadership, but you are not quite sure where to start. Consider your answers to these five questions. Direction - Do you have and share a compelling vision? Alignment - Do your behaviors match your … [Read more...]
Start with Purpose. Always.
Busy professionals often feel anxious because far too many are not acting on purpose, or their values do not align with the organization. When you know your purpose and values, decision-making becomes easier because you have an automatic filter you … [Read more...]
Your Checklist for Success in 2016
Confirm your Values. Where you spend your time and money is a clue as to what you currently value. Need to make a change? Commit to figuring it out before you start making plans you do not believe in. Confirm your top four values and then … [Read more...]
20 Ways to Go Forth; Lead Well
You may be starting a new endeavor in your life or have simply decided to adopt a new attitude. You want to get started on the right foot and do something positive. That's why I created a short idea book, Go Forth; Lead Well. It contains a series of … [Read more...]
Hire a New Boss
Many managers are under appreciated. They endure direct reports endlessly complaining about everything from salary to the temperature of the office. From above, there is the piling on of more demands, fewer resources and pressure to achieve random … [Read more...]
Rule of Three
I have a personal operating principle I call my rule of threes. I am sure, based on my background, that it is deeply influenced by the writing principle of the same name. omne trium perfectum The human mind likes sets of three. Three is more … [Read more...]
Growing Confidence and Support
We are each ultimately responsible for our level of confidence and support on any given task in our lives. Be it at home, work, or anywhere else. Too often we take our feelings for granted and accept them without challenging them. This can be a … [Read more...]