Leaders often struggle to align their actions with core values, which can lead to misaligned priorities and unintentional decisions. What if a simple tool could uncover the hidden dynamics of your core values and transform your … [Read more...]
Crafting Your Leadership Path: A Practical Guide to Defining Your Impact
It’s easy to get lost in the daily grind, chasing targets and managing people while losing sight of what leadership means to you. That’s why taking a moment to pause and reflect can be transformative—for you and everyone you aim to lead. This … [Read more...]
Project 2025: A Threat to Modern American Leadership and Values
In my view, Project 2025, proposed by a coalition of right-wing think tanks, represents a regressive and anti-democratic agenda that threatens the progress we've made as a nation. It challenges the inclusive values that are essential to modern … [Read more...]
Leading as a Happy Warrior: Essential Traits and Practices
A "Happy Warrior" is a leader who embodies resilience, positivity, and a deep sense of purpose, even in adversity. These leaders approach challenges enthusiastically and optimistically, inspiring those around them to persevere and thrive. Happy … [Read more...]
Joy is Returning
Love is rising, and joy is returning. People from all walks of life have had their fill of division, chaos, greed, and hate. No one is naive enough to believe those things are eradicated, but it is time for the purveyors of misery to return to the … [Read more...]
Responsibility, It’s Personal
There is a Statue of Liberty, which was a gift, but there is no statue of responsibility. There can be no monument big enough to convey its importance, which is why each member of society must carry a piece of personal responsibility with them … [Read more...]
Can America’s Greatness Overcome Its Greed?
There is no denying America's remarkable historic success in innovation, cultural influence, and sheer economic power. However, it has also faced issues like excessive profit-seeking, environmental neglect, social inequality, and, of late, an … [Read more...]
30 Principles for Your Leadership Toolbox
Effective leaders constantly seek ways to improve themselves and their teams. This collection of 30 principles offers wisdom on various topics, from critical thinking to communication. By studying and applying these principles, leaders can better … [Read more...]
Lead with Heart: 52 Weeks of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the skill of identifying, comprehending, handling, and using emotions—yours and others—in a helpful way. It includes being aware of emotions, expressing them appropriately, showing empathy, and navigating relationships with … [Read more...]
Navigating the Duality of Leadership: Truth vs. Perception
Effective leaders must be aware of two distinct versions of reality and learn to navigate them. Version 1 - How It Happens: This version represents the actual events, decisions, and actions. It deals with the reality as it unfolds: the … [Read more...]
Be a Reflective Leader
Busy professionals and leaders who pause to reflect on their passions, values, and sense of purpose become more effective. It doesn't matter whether it's a few minutes each day or a longer session once a week; they know it's essential to set aside … [Read more...]
The United States of America is imperfect. It has been since its founding 247 years ago. The people of this nation have been hypocritical, violent, wishy-washy, independent, rebellious, susceptible to conspiracies and flattery, and collectively … [Read more...]
Is This Leader Any Good?
Everyone can picture a lousy leader. Not everyone agrees on the je ne sais quoi that makes a leader any good. Guided by a moral compass and sound character is part of it. So is effectiveness. Assessing a leader's effectiveness involves a combination … [Read more...]
Boosting Performance with Confidence and Support
The importance of confidence and support in achieving success in various aspects of life, including work and personal relationships, is often overlooked. It requires honest self-reflection to find strategies for boosting confidence and supporting … [Read more...]
Leadership That Burns Bright or Burns Out
You would not be surprised to learn that high workloads, lack of control, insufficient rewards, lack of support, unfairness, and mismatched values and skills commonly lead to burnout. As a leader, you owe it to yourself, your organization, and your … [Read more...]
Manage Your Emotions or Forget Leading
Effective leaders, those who practice democratic or servant leadership styles, understand the importance of emotional intelligence. They know that when they are aware of their emotions and the emotions of others, they make better decisions, resolve … [Read more...]
Use the Hero’s Journey for Your Leadership Journey
Over a decade ago, I had a great discussion with an old friend about writing, publishing, story structure, and the difference between two types of writers; "Pantsers" and "Outliners." Pantsers write by the seat of their pants and grow queasy with any … [Read more...]
Effective Leaders Admit Their Mistakes and Make Amends
Saying "sorry" isn't enough, and someone else's lack of belief in your flaccid apology isn't their problem; it's yours. Likewise, demanding an apology from those who wronged you is petty. Forced insincerity has no value. Despite their supposed … [Read more...]
Manage Your Vision With Goals
Around this time of year, in an effort to claw for attention and relevance, there is an assemblage of “gurus” preaching about how goals are too limiting and only small people use them. It is common for people to mix definitions; one person’s strategy … [Read more...]
It is painful and embarrassing to admit that many citizens have no desire or inclination to celebrate this nation's 246th birthday. Who can blame them? We are in dark, turbulent times, with rising authoritarianism, theocracy, conspiracy, idiocy, and … [Read more...]
Shades of Progress
If you were to map the areas that best represent your clients, where would they be on this graphic? What about your employees? What about your leadership team? Notice any trends? If your answers tended to clump together … [Read more...]
Check your vision … and your mission, and values
It is wise to review your personal and professional vision, mission, and values from time to time. Vision is an ideal state in the distance, just out of reach. If you haven’t revisited your vision in a long time, you may have surpassed it, and it … [Read more...]
A Little Collectivism From Time to Time Wouldn’t Hurt
Having an independent spirit, thumbing your nose to convention, and erecting the middle finger to all those you disagree with or feel offended by has a time and place. And let's be honest, if you're a fan of rugged individualism, it's most of the … [Read more...]
Begin Again
They attacked the World Trade Center to cripple our economic power. They attacked the Pentagon to demoralize our military power. They attempted to attack the U.S. Capitol to destroy the power of our democracy. The brave passengers of Flight 93, … [Read more...]
14 Suggestions for Better Living
Occasionally, I make a list of maxims and tips to remind myself of the actions and mindset I need to get better at adopting or the behaviors that I want to see in the world if I had my druthers. Here is my latest. Replace your lawn with native … [Read more...]
The Fifth Who
Are there bad apples and people who, despite your best efforts, are no longer a good fit for your organization? Sure, although they don't usually become that way on their own. Find the managers who say some members of their team "simply can't be … [Read more...]
More Than Cheer
Any fool can show up to an event, say, “Woohoo, we support you,” and leave. Showing up is minimal effort, even if it doesn’t seem like it. People who don’t do much can make the mundane feel arduous and their achievement momentous. Showing up is the … [Read more...]
Faith is On You
Stop relying on someone else to restore your faith in humanity. It isn’t someone else’s responsibility to shoot a video of a human doing a nice thing and make it go viral on social media so you can feel better. There are countless ways you … [Read more...]
Lousy leaders hire people who make them feel comfortable.Great leaders hire people who make them think. Have you become comfortable and safe with mediocrity?You’re not alone - averages seldom are.Face it; it’s easier.Easy is fine.You can carve out … [Read more...]
Willful Ignorance
Does it wound your ego?Perhaps. Does changing your position make you appear weak?No, not to reasonable people. Can it be embarrassing?Sure, but you’ll get over it. What is humiliating and potentially leads to malfeasance is knowing you’re … [Read more...]
Better Deeds, Not Rhetoric
Leadership is easily identified in deeds, not rhetoric. … [Read more...]
Leadership is a Choice
What comes to mind first when you learn of a mishap; thoughts of grace, kindness, and dignity, or righteousness, blame, and compliance? If you have the privilege of leading fellow human beings, it’s your role to help them feel powerful, worthy, … [Read more...]
You Find What You Seek
Everyone has the capacity to lead, but some do not have the desire or skills to develop their abilities. That’s their choice, but if you’re in a position to put them in a leadership role, for all that is good and holy — don’t. Much of an … [Read more...]
There’s a reason why good leaders speak last. It’s to observe, listen, and learn. Lousy leaders have a compulsion always to be heard and to weigh in — particularly in matters that don’t concern them. Good leaders have a compulsion to get it … [Read more...]
15 Questions Many Professionals Aren’t Brave Enough to Ask or Answer
What is the current absence rate at your organization, and what trends have you noticed?What is the average number of vacation days left unused at your organization?How are your company values demonstrated, and can you cite an example of a time when … [Read more...]
Leadership Workbooks
Need a little nudge to get you inspired, active and leading well? Yes, you do. Check out this collection of Leadership Workbooks from Karl Bimshas Consulting at LeadershipWorkbooks.com Pick one to start, or grab them all to create a private … [Read more...]
Hurry up and Fail While No One is Looking
Many people wait. They wait for their confidence. They wait until they feel better. They wait for the weather to change or the stars and planets to align. They wait "their turn. They wait for … [Read more...]
It Might Be Your Fault
It's common in human nature to find blame for things that aren't going the way you want them to go. Less common, particularly among positional leaders, is accepting responsibility and acknowledging the possibility — the probability that it might … [Read more...]
Effective Meetings
Are you having regular one-on-one meetings with your team, or are you too busy, have nothing to say, or consider them a waste of time? Spare me. If you're the leader, your first responsibility is to the welfare of your direct … [Read more...]
Don’t Follow Passion
Some people are confused. You don't follow your passion - you bring it. You need vision to paint a picture of success. You need passion to pull you through the dark days. You need action because, without it, you're … [Read more...]
Resist the Urge
Lousy leaders fail to resist the urge to accumulate power and control. Effective leaders find ways to share and distribute power among those they lead. It is rare and difficult to find leaders able to eschew vainglory; the perks of … [Read more...]
Confidence in yourself and your abilities is an act of defiance against those who thrive on your insecurity. Act with confidence and defy those who thrive on your insecurity. … [Read more...]
Are You Acting or Taking Action?
Are you acting or taking action? Are you role-playing or playing a role? Use your time, treasure, or talent to help fix something important. We are a diverse nation, and whether you think of it as a melting pot, jambalaya, or a salad, … [Read more...]
The Leader-Follower Matrix
Leadership and followership are symbiotic. You can't have one without the other, and the better you are at one, the better you are at the other. But what about those points in between? What words would you use to describe each … [Read more...]
Strong Leaders Do Not Create Docile Teams
The challenge of today's leader is to combat docility. Of course, it's a dream of those with power to have everyone on your team do everything you want without complaint or question, but that's how authoritarianism works, not … [Read more...]
What’s Holding You Back from Leading?
It is not the body's size, age, color, or gender but what emanates from the soul that makes the leader. What's holding you back from leading? Hint, it's nothing external. Imagine what could be different if you started leading. Karl … [Read more...]
What Thoughts Stop You? Change Them.
By now, you know that your thoughts influence your feelings, and your feelings influence your behaviors, which affect your thoughts. And so it goes, around and around, for you and everyone else. Before you know it, a few decades slip by, and you … [Read more...]
Dream Killer
If you ever feel the need to tell a kid who is pursuing something they appear to love that they will never be good at it, shut up. For every success story you hear about someone who battled all the naysayers of their youth to persevere to … [Read more...]
Are Leaders Born or Made? Who Cares?
I frequently get asked if great leaders are born or made. Studies seem to indicate about a third are born with favorable characteristics, and two-thirds are forged by life experiences. If you're told you were a born leader, you'll … [Read more...]
How Big Is Your Imagination?
You could build a world in your mind, but it will take the help of countless others to make it real. Your ideas are vicarious notions until you capture them on a blank canvass, page, or screen. You try to create without the influence of others, … [Read more...]
Don’t Wait to be Empowered. Just be Powerful.
I don't want to split hairs; empowerment is great and all, but I've never liked the word. It implies power is being given to you by someone else. It feels patriarchal to call yourself "empowered" because your borrowed agency remains rooted in … [Read more...]
WTF is your WFH Policy?
Is it about camaraderie, culture, and efficiency, or ego, control, and your reliance on habit versus strategy? There are obvious exceptions, so don't be dumb, but office environments do not need every employee physically present to be considered … [Read more...]
So, You’re Alpha, huh?
Excuse my laughter, but when someone refers to themselves as the "leader," "alpha," or "big dog" of the group, they aren't. Good leaders don't use their role to try to impress or cajole — but lousy leaders do. All. The. … [Read more...]
Leadership Check: 10 Messages
Scroll back and read through the last ten emails or text messages that you sent, and let's see how effective your leadership communication has been. To what degree were you situationally aware? Did you grasp the moment, or were you … [Read more...]
Maybe a little S.P.I.C.E.
If you are a creative person who generates many ideas, you are also likely to sabotage yourself by overthinking and second-guessing yourself. You procrastinate implementation and don't take the first steps because you're overly concerned that it will … [Read more...]
Not Every Idea You Come Across has to be Pursued
Time is short, and resources are limited; just because you come across something new or get a great idea from a book, video, or a self-proclaimed subject matter expert, doesn't mean you should adopt it. Small and mid-size company presidents … [Read more...]
How a Good Leader Apologizes
Here is your periodic reminder on how to apologize properly. When you goofed, do the following; 1. Admit you have done something wrong and that you need to make up for it. 2. Take full responsibility for your actions and sincerely apologize to … [Read more...]
Attitude and Skills
You nod your head and say, "no, duh, everyone knows this." Then why do you still have a sales rep. who constantly makes the support staff cry? That's not what rainmaker means! Why have you neglected training your Accounts Payable team? … [Read more...]
Be the Thermostat, Not the Thermometer
Set the conditions for the environment you want rather than just reporting on changes. Be the thermostat, not the thermometer. You can work to set the tone, vibe, culture of those you interact with, and yes, there may be conflict. Any … [Read more...]
Celebrate … Even if you don’t feel like it.
How has your week gone? Did you accomplish some great things? How's your month or year? Are things getting better? Are you making progress? Are you proud of yourself for starting or stopping … [Read more...]
Getting There and Giving Back
FYI - I was recently interviewed by AJ Machado (San Diego folks will recognize his voice from morning radio) as part of the Getting There and Giving Back series from Aimee's Stories. Give it a look on YouTube and leave a like while you're there - … [Read more...]
Journey to Freedom
My father arrived in the United States on this date in 1949. You can read about it in his memoir, "Escaping War: Our Journey to Freedom" by John Bimshas Squeezed between Soviet Communists and Nazi Fascists during World War Two, my … [Read more...]
Hello Monday
You’re not going to gripe about another Monday, are you? You’ve outgrown whining by now, right? It’s a brand new day - a chance to be better than you were last week. Monday’s are filled with potential. You could be kinder to … [Read more...]
A Toast to The Fortunate
May all your first-world problems be resolved so you can devote the found time toward aiding others in need. When you spend time being truly grateful for what you already have, you soon realize riches surround you. Yes, your ambition may crave … [Read more...]
Lead Your Way Out
Winston Churchill once noted, "Americans will always do the right thing after they have exhausted all the alternatives." Others have mentioned that we only throw money at problems, and if the money doesn't help, then the problem wasn't real … [Read more...]
Some Questions to Ask Yourself
Some questions to ask yourself. Where did you learn to hate? When did you learn to hate? What did you learn to hate? How did you learn to hate? Who did you learn to hate? Why did you learn to hate? Ask yourself, because you … [Read more...]
Leadership Surrounds You
My best teachers, my best professors, and some of my best mentors have been women. The best managers throughout my career have been women. My very best employees have been women. Some of my greatest advocates and supporters … [Read more...]
The 5-Step Lousy Leader Dance
Leadership, like water, is neither inherently good nor bad, but it is essential. Your desire for water changes depending on the conditions. If you are in a desert and parched, you’ll be desperate for a sip of anything, while those battling floods … [Read more...]
The Leadership Scorecard
Despite knowing it when they see it, people often ask, "what makes a good leader?" It is important to note that leadership capability runs along a continuum, less based on time and experience and more on situations encountered. Many newly minted … [Read more...]
Journals With Purpose
Let's talk about journals. I don't share this lightly because it makes me feel a little old, but I've been journaling in some form or another since 1981. The point is, making time to capture important events or insights, reflecting on problems, … [Read more...]
Time to Lead
In good times and in bad, one thing people want is leadership. They want reassurance, they want to know what the point of it all is, they want to be acknowledged and appreciated, challenged, and inspired. While I firmly believe everyone can be a … [Read more...]
What Have You Learned?
For all the misery, shock, and pain 2020 inflicted, it also revealed many things we suspected but didn’t dare admit. We learned a lot this year, and not all of those lessons were pleasant, with many people still struggling to reconcile brutal truths. … [Read more...]
State Your Intentions
Everyone seems eager to toss this year into the scrapheap of history and declare their intentions for the new year. While there's something to be said for riding the group momentum, if you’re not feeling it yet, particularly based on everything 2020 … [Read more...]
Ponder Your Year
Before the end-of-the-year rush gets too crazy, grab a beverage of choice and spend a few minutes pondering your year. Examine it, don't whine about it. 1. What are you most proud of this year?2. Which limiting beliefs have held you back this … [Read more...]
Servant Leadership Rant
Recently, an otherwise informative webinar by a noted speaker spectacularly fell off the rails when the host ranted on his disdain for Servant Leadership; the leadership style practiced over thousands of years, though branded differently in the last … [Read more...]
Stoic Resolve
As we squabble amongst ourselves, emotions flare, beliefs get challenged, and a way of life feels threatened; you must pursue love and patience to weather this storm least outside forces exploit our divisions. Despite bombastic rhetoric and the urge … [Read more...]
Bounce Back, A 9-Point Plan
Some people have found a way to thrive this year, while many others are struggling -- badly. It's easy, convenient, and justifiable to blame 2020 for your troubles. We now know the "I don't have enough time" excuse wasn't valid, but this is not the … [Read more...]
Servant Leadership Matters
As a middle-aged straight white man, I'll get by no matter who's president. Unfortunately, many of the people I know and care about do not enjoy that collection of privilege and feel threatened or directly harmed by the current administration's … [Read more...]
Sit or Stand
Be wary of those who claim to be part of the silent majority during this election cycle. Over 40% of those eligible to vote sat out in 2016. You never want to brag about being a part of the silent majority. If you’re a serious leader, you want your … [Read more...]
Regain Strength
We tragically and violently lost 2,977 people on 9/11, and the world mourned with us. As a nation, we came together, unfurled flags over bridges, treated strangers with kindness (as long as their skin color matched our own), and gave justified praise … [Read more...]
Most people agree that 2020 has been a dumpster fire of a year. From the COVID-19 pandemic, economic hardships, devastating natural and societal storms, autocrats making their moves across the globe, and the emotional and physical divisions that are … [Read more...]
On Planning
Sometimes people treat their planners like precious and delicate things. They spend a lot of time and maybe money trying to find the “perfect” one. Then, they hate to mark it up because they don’t like their penmanship, or they don’t want to commit … [Read more...]
Success Is In Your Hands
Depending on your perspective, some nights can be filled with anxiety or anticipation, as thoughts of commitments and deadlines inevitably creep into your brain. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much to do, or apathetic and without a … [Read more...]
Nine Easy Ways to Look Outstanding in Your Field
There are nine things you can do instantly that are easy unless you’ve had a hard time with them in the past. Pick one or two habits that give you trouble and begin improving your performance. Many of the people you interact with do not put in … [Read more...]
The Kick-Ass Boss Program
A little bit more about Karl Bimshas Consulting and our accountability partnering programs. There's one that we have specifically for creative professionals, small business owners, solo-preneurs, people who work alone. Maybe you’ve got a … [Read more...]
Our Big Three
Question: "Tell me about Karl Bimshas Consulting." At Karl Bimshas Consulting, we have three general categories for what we offer. The first one is Accountability Partnering, and that's for people who have a goal, but they are a … [Read more...]
Change the Leader, Or Change the Leader
We do not lack the knowledge or capability to improve our condition; we lack the will and the leadership. Appeal to one, the other will follow. Valid for most problems we face, from battling a pandemic to making healthier life choices. While … [Read more...]
Video Book
People wonder how they can become a better leader. The simplest answer is to give a damn. This quick video explains further. … [Read more...]
On Expectations
“I have been criticized lately of being too harsh. That my expectations of others are too high. That I do not let people bask in the glow of achievement before searching for that little bit extra. That frequently, my disappointment in the failure of … [Read more...]