3 Common Mistakes Busy Professionals Make That Keep Them Feeling Anxious About Planning Their Year. Learn how to avoid making those same mistakes yourself with this better planning guide from Karl Bimshas … [Read more...]
Let’s Take a Walk Around the Block
Early in my management career I had a span of control of about 20 people. Most of my direct reports were scattered around customer locations in downtown San Diego. Meeting with employees for one-on-one conversations was sometimes a challenge. Pulling … [Read more...]
Predicting Your Top 10 Worries
You might be a happy person. I would still bet that you have a few things worrying you. Grab a piece of paper or a Post-it note and list ten things that quickly come to mind right now. I'll wait. Many years ago a study was conducted about the … [Read more...]
Where in the World are You?
Where in the world are you? Where in the world do you want to be? What mechanism do you have to correct for errors along the way? Nearly every vehicle you drive or ride in requires answers to those questions if you want to reach your … [Read more...]
Plan on Success
At the end of every year, busy professionals are faced with the problem of a nagging sensation that they neglected their personal goals; because they did. Sustaining high-performance in your professional life can take a toll. That’s why I … [Read more...]
Leading Young
There is a freshman in high school who is a fantastic writer. She is a voracious reader and studies her craft. She has received positive feedback from a variety of people, all of which has contributed to her confidence. Like most writers, she argues … [Read more...]
20 Interests
Several weeks ago, a friend referred me to a TED Talk video with Larry Smith, titled. "Why you will fail to have a great career." A blunt, funny, and all too true talk, worth checking out. There is a brief section where he discusses the difference … [Read more...]
What Kind of Leader Do You Want to Be?
What kind of leader do you want to be? Have you given that any thought, lately? Have you given that any thought, ever? It's the difference between making deliberate choices or being open to vagary. Here's a hint; have you ever enjoyed … [Read more...]
Less Until, More Unless
Have you ever noticed how many times the word 'until' gets used? Although not reserved for the office, it tends to crop up in staff meetings and with status updates. It also, usually, has 'wait' or 'can’t' as a prefix. Pay attention to how often you … [Read more...]
You May Be A Poor Leader
Great leaders occasionally have doubts in their leadership. Poor leaders never do. How do you know if you are a poor leader? Rate how often you demonstrate the following traits. 0 = Never, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Frequently, 4 = … [Read more...]
4 Musts for Building a Successful Team
Here are what I believe are four musts to build a successful team / organization / family. A word of caution; they do not come easy and you will have to refine them to meet your culture. Of course there other components, like technical and job … [Read more...]
4 Elegant Steps to a Productive 2nd Half
Are you ready for the 2nd half? Here are 3 questions and 1 action that will align you toward your next great goal. Question 1 - What do you want to have, do or be by December 31, 2014? Question 2 - What has to be true on that day that … [Read more...]
It’s Summer!
You know what that means... In three months, it will be autumn.Six months from now, it will be winter. I'm not trying to rob the joys of the season from you. You ought to invest some time slowing down and getting away from the rat race. Now, … [Read more...]
The Chicken and The Pig
By now, you have likely heard the story of the chicken and the pig? One day the chicken, struck with an idea to fix the team turmoil between the animals on the farm, excitedly shared it with the pig. “Let’s have a breakfast!” the chicken … [Read more...]
Have a Point of View and Act on Purpose
Has anyone ever asked you want kind of leader you want to be? How about what kind of parent, or student, or roommate, or any other role you can think of? Have you asked yourself? If your answer is yes, good for you. I hope you’re living up to your … [Read more...]
The Influence Cycle
Recently a client asked me a question about change and I thought I’d share my answer with you. She’s a results oriented professional who said she was emotionally driven, meaning she trusted her gut to make decisions. She felt thinking everything … [Read more...]
Don’t Measure Time. Measure Times.
A calendar is a tool that lets you peer into the future or revisit the past by way of milestones. With a quick glance, you can plan for graduations or remember anniversaries. A clock is a more forward focused tool. It keeps unrelenting track of the … [Read more...]
5 Years of Aha
In the spring of 2009, I advanced, a little less confidently than I care to admit, in the direction of my dreams. I founded Karl Bimshas Consulting, an endeavor I had long imagined. Throughout my management career at both Fortune 500, and regional … [Read more...]
Why You Should Stay in Your Comfort Zone and Grow It
Seemingly inspirational graphics on social media encourage people to reach way outside of their comfort zone, across wide and perilous chasms, because everything that’s out of reach is apparently, where the magic happens. Everything you want in life … [Read more...]
The Authenticity of Faking
When was the last time you tried something new? I don't mean a variation of a Starbucks coffee (though I know for some, that would rock their world). I mean trying something new in your craft. And not something you already think you're good or bad … [Read more...]
Spring into Action
Luck is Finicky
Stop Dumping on Goals
During the last half of February, the flu incapacitated me. During that time, energy permitting, I read several posts and articles from vaulted gurus and neophytes alike who caused my temperature to rise even higher. They seemed to have received the … [Read more...]
Passion is Not Enough
Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of people distressed over not being able to find their passion. They scramble looking for it with an urgency and panic that’s reminiscent of someone late for work searching for their car keys. The error in this … [Read more...]
How Do You Feel Right Now?
When I meet prospective clients we inevitablably discover what holds them back resides where their level of self-confidence and the amount of external support received intersect. Do you believe levels of confidence and support influence the … [Read more...]
You Don’t Have To Be a Leader To Be a Role Model
You're a role model. You may not know it. You may not like it. You may try to reject it, saying you never asked to be one. It doesn't matter. You are someone's role model. Kids, for one, either your own or their friends, maybe a niece … [Read more...]
Success is in Your Hands
Depending on your perspective, Sunday nights can be filled with anxiety or anticipation, as thoughts of Monday and the week ahead inevitably creep in. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much to do, or apathetic and without a clue, let me … [Read more...]
Don’t Blame Monday
Don't let "Monday" be an excuse. If pulling yourself to work today was a chore, something has to change. Your Job Your Habits Your Attitude Maybe all of the above. Today, begin with the one that's easiest for you, then work on the … [Read more...]
How to Talk to Yourself Better
Let's acknowledge that everyone talks to themselves. Whether it's done consciously and out loud as a method to work through a problem; or subconsciously to unwittingly either build or subvert self-confidence, we all travel with that voice. Writers … [Read more...]
Cut It Out
Think over the last 7 days. You've probably done something stupid a couple of times already. Maybe it's been wasting time on a pointless report, saying yes when you should be saying no, skipping out on a commitment to yourself or someone else -- it … [Read more...]
Simplify. Lead. Thrive.
Some people can be extremely detailed when planning their New Year, while others are open to possibilities as they unfold. There’s not a right or wrong way, the effectiveness of the plan is ultimately up to you. If you haven’t yet, one method … [Read more...]
Fortify Your Resolution
45% of American’s usually make a New Year’s Resolution, and 25% of those are abandoned within the first week of the year, according to The University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology. It’s okay to declare your resolution to everyone. We … [Read more...]
Browsing Someday Aisle
During the frenzy of holiday shopping, make sure you pick up something for yourself from the someday aisle. It’s well stocked with hopes, wishes and dreams that you have deferred because of other priorities. You might find an old business plan, … [Read more...]
You Don’t Come with a User’s Guide, So Write One
You might think you’re a dream to work with. After all, you’re in your head all day, so you know your intentions and beliefs and I’m sure they’re all sound and honorable. The problem is, no one else is in there with you. Even your closest allies, … [Read more...]
Be the Hero of Your Year
We complained about the Halloween costumes sold before the kids went back to school. We bemoaned the Pre Black-Friday promotions that arrived before the Candy Corn was gone. It’s part of tradition to lament over the Christmas decorations for sale … [Read more...]
This Year Is Going To Be Different
If the phrase, "This year is going to be different" has waltzed through your mind lately, this special weekend offer is for you. You don't have to be sold on solving problems with a fresh perspective and you already know the benefits of … [Read more...]
Happy Thanksgiving
May your gratitude extend to peoplebeyond things,and days beyond tody;to fresh ideasand old traditions alike. May you always appreciatewhat you have, where you are,who you're with, and be confidentin the direction you're headed. … [Read more...]
Finish Strong
End the year with a bang, not a blah. Since 2009 Karl Bimshas Consulting has been helping motivated leaders artists and entrepreneurs find the a-ha within and reach their goals. There aren’t many days left in this year and you might be … [Read more...]
You are here. How do you feel about that?
Depending on your perspective, this year is coming to a close too fast, or not fast enough. Either way, are you prepared to finish strong or start smart? The holiday season is often harried, filled with gatherings, gift-giving, gratitude and … [Read more...]
Your Kernels
Do you remember the last time you made popcorn for yourself? It was probably a packet you threw into the microwave, but maybe you went old school and popped it on the stove, or plugged in the exceptionally loud whirling popcorn maker and stole a few … [Read more...]
It’s Hump Day, So What?
Time is a valuable resource, but if you’re using it to measure the passage of itself, you’re missing out. Better to measure ‘times’. Like the number of times you eat with your family every week. The number of times you read a story to a … [Read more...]
Great Careers Don't Just Happen. They're Designed! … [Read more...]
Importance in What You Do
What you do is not nearly as important as you think. And what you think is important, is not nearly as important as what you do. Circular logic? No. It’s a call to be humble. You may in fact be in a very important position, sitting behind a desk, … [Read more...]
Fall Back
18 Lame Excuses and Their No Nonsense Remedies
New Goals Podcasts with Reflections on Leadership on BlogTalkRadio Here is a review of the eighteen lame excuses I’ve heard, (and have given) for not doing something new, and the no nonsense remedies that will help you grow and get you … [Read more...]
Is It That Bad?
When things get overwhelming it helps to get some perspective. Here are a few steps and checks that will aid you if you're feeling less than stellar and things don't seem to be going your way. Do you have enough air to breathe? Do you have food … [Read more...]
Killing Despondency with a Great Goal
In this brief talk, Karl Bimshas urges the killing of despondency, particularly in our youth, with a great goal. Current Motivation Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Reflections on Leadership on BlogTalkRadio … [Read more...]
People like different things. How do you know what those are? Ask. Survey and then talk to people about what they would like as recognition for their good work and you not only build a more effective recognition plan, you build buy in. Building a … [Read more...]
Get Happy
New Management Internet Radio with Reflections on Leadership on BlogTalkRadio … [Read more...]
5 Elements of Successful Change
A brief overview of the 5 Elements of Successful Change: Check Out Management Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Reflections on Leadership on BlogTalkRadio … [Read more...]
100 or Less
If you had 100 days to make a positive difference in your life what would you do? Work to get better at something you’ll need for the future? Finally “fix” something that’s been plaguing you or your team? Increase your confidence? Rally … [Read more...]
Capturing Idea Bubbles
If ideas are precious, why do so many people neglect them? It's not because we have so few and we don't know what to do with them. It's because we get too many and we don't know what to do with them. They’re like bubbles in a breeze. As kids we … [Read more...]
The Practice of Sincerity
“Practice what you preach and act with integrity,” are phrases that people throw about frequently, along with words like genuine, credible, authentic and sincere. During the Roman Empire, less reputable potters and sculptors would fill … [Read more...]
Emerging Mother?
I never liked the term emerging leader. It’s like calling a woman who’s pregnant an emerging mother. It’s clunky, vague and rude. I accept that leadership is a continuum, but it’s not based on time, it’s based on effectiveness. How do you increase … [Read more...]
Miserable People
I've met a lot of miserable people. I'm sure they have good hearts and mean well, but they drive me nuts because they talk about a great goal and then they sigh and shrug, droop their head down and trudge on to the next “important” but … [Read more...]
Is Your Goal Satiated or Parched?
Maybe you don’t want to think about the year being half over. After all, if it’s half over and you haven’t done enough to secure your goals, the ones you swore yourself you’d achieve last New Year’s Eve, then you’re just setting yourself up for … [Read more...]
Is Your Idiot Light On?
Anyone who has driven an older vehicle knows the dread felt when an dashboard light pops on in the middle of a road trip. Grown men and women suddenly caress the steering wheel and begin sweet talking their car. “Come on, just a few miles more,” they … [Read more...]
The Size of Your Goal is Irrelevant If You Don’t Bother to Work on It.
As you’d expect, when I ask people about their goals I get different reactions. There are those who become glossy-eyed trying to figure out what I mean, because they’re just trying to get through the day. The majority fall in range, from those … [Read more...]
Consulting Advice for Soloprenuers from a 9 Year Old
It’s not uncommon for me to discuss my business ideas and problems with my kids. They are at the age where they still have clarity of thought and purpose, they aren’t the least bit worried about offending me and they like being able to participate. … [Read more...]
New Book / So, I’ve Been Thinking
"So, I've Been Thinking; Seemingly Random Thoughts on Leadership" is a new book from Karl Bimshas that's available on Amazon today. It is a collection of 30 essays and anecdotes that capture his thoughts on leadership, creativity and America. To … [Read more...]
Where in The World Are You?
Many people look for help finding their direction. I don’t know how it is where you are, but for as long as I can remember the sun has risen on the East and set in the West and the compass points North, unless it’s broken. When you’re overwhelmed … [Read more...]
Let’s Eradicate Despondency
When I was in college, I returned home one Friday for a long weekend. I met my mom in the afternoon, and she told me about a troubling sight she had seen earlier in the day. A school bus had stopped beside her, and the faces of sullen and despondent … [Read more...]
The Goal Factory
Karl Bimshas Consulting's The Goal Factory is an accountability partnering method of producing an achievement mindset that churns out success for you, week after week. Click here for more information. … [Read more...]
Do You Have a Dashboard to Help Guide Your Life?
Have you ever been on a boat, sailing carefree, with the sun shining and the distant shore in sight only to have it suddenly obscured by a thick unexpected fog rolling in? Having the right instruments to help guide you out of an emergency can save … [Read more...]
Attracting Success
This month Karl Bimshas Consulting is giving away tools to help leaders, artists and entrepreneurs find the aha within. Today, the popular program, "Attracting Success; A Goal Planner Primer for High Performing Goal Getters" Find out … [Read more...]
Leaders, Artists and Entrepreneurs
There are thousands of definitions for leaders, artists and entrepreneurs. Here’s what they mean at Karl Bimshas Consulting: Leaders - Influence the achievement of a vision. Artists - Create through imagination and … [Read more...]
Your Goals Probably Suck. Here’s Why.
I feel bad starting off that way. I’m generally a supportive person and that sounds like a personal attack. It’s not meant to, but I’m tired of mediocrity disguised as effort. In my line of work as an accountability partner it’s my job to call out … [Read more...]
Happy New Year!
This year, May you wish less, yet achieve more Conquer a fear, and strengthen your core Feed your curiosity and find something to strive toward Replace any anger with joy Mix any tears with laughter and find something elusive to … [Read more...]