I’ve been struck by how few micro, small, and mid-size businesses, regardless of their level of success, have any kind of Account Management process for their important clients. Any size business with a clean Account Management process, can … [Read more...]
Fun Tool for Your Development
The Leadership Development Box is a Fun Tool! Karl Bimshas Consulting’s Leadership Development Box is a great visual and kinesthetic tool to be more engaging in your development discussions. A favorite with HR professionals, trainers, and better … [Read more...]
Do My Employees Need External Coaching?
Is it worth investing in outside coaching for a direct report who is facing change or second-guessing his or her abilities? Here are five questions to help you find the right answer. 1. Is his or her current performance or potential, … [Read more...]
Bring a SIDE of Leadership
The world would be better if everyone, regardless of their role, carried a SIDE of leadership. Service: Be of service. Help. Assist. Act on behalf of others. Serve people, or a cause, an idea, beyond yourself. Integrity: Hold yourself to honest … [Read more...]
Expectations, Keep ’em High
You can lower your expectations and never feel disappointment, or you can raise your expectations and manage your disappointments like an adult. The truly great things in life do not get that way through indifference. You care. You have a … [Read more...]
You ARE Leading
Just because you don't consider yourself a leader doesn't mean others aren't following you. You are leading. Get better at it. You can deny it. You can hate it. You can battle over semantics. Like it or not, you're leading someone (maybe … [Read more...]
About Revenge
Revenge isn't an aspirational goal. It can motivate you to get started, or look at yourself differently, or lift your spirits when you are filled with self-doubt. However, it's short-lived, unless you are so lacking in esteem that you NEED to … [Read more...]
What Took The Hit? Your Self-esteem or Confidence?
Generally speaking, women have issues around self-esteem and men have issues around confidence. What the difference? Self-esteem captures your essence overall, while confidence is situational. Want to change the world? Look at your language. … [Read more...]
Your Performance
National Boss’s Day is a great time to reflect on your performance, even if you work alone and you're your own boss. Download a free pdf from Karl Bimshas Consulting and assess yourself, a key individual or an entire team. Have a desire … [Read more...]
Be More Discerning
Many people react to conflict. Leaders respond. Here's the difference; leaders take the time to study and observe so that they can be more discerning in their decision-making. They are careful and deliberate about what they allow into their … [Read more...]
Hire a New Boss
If you're a solopreneur or freelancer, guess what? You are not automatically exempt from having a lousy boss. Face it; effective managers have a particular set of skills that help foster compliance, communication, confidence, production, and … [Read more...]
Many Ways
Not doing it your way doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it different. There are many ways to do many things. Often, managers, in particular, feel like they know the best way to do something. This is seldom true. They know one way and assume … [Read more...]
Believe the People Who Believe in You
When you share an idea or a goal with people it can be risky because most will have a negative knee-jerk reaction. Whatever their motivation; protective love or bitter hidden jealousy, many will say or do things to squash your dreams. Then there … [Read more...]
Thankless Roles
There are many thankless roles in life, but I take them unconditionally, knowing praise comes in tiny doses. Like a phone call from my daughter, who's "killing it" across the country on her own, or my son making sound ethical decisions. It … [Read more...]
Your Thing
Everyone has their thing. It might be zouk dancing, skeet shooting, gourmet cooking, or 5K running. The passion, flow-inducing activities you engage in can clear your mind, center your soul, calm your nerves, and inspire you to achieve greater things … [Read more...]
Everything is an Opportunity
Everything is an opportunity. The text message The alarm clock The phone call The envelope The stranger The doorbell The mistake The failure The friend The yes The no It's all up to you. Better attitudes attract better … [Read more...]
Money in Outrage
There's money in outrage, but results come from taking action. There are plenty of money making machines that do quite well agitating the populace. People without much conviction will always find ways to extract money from those with dogmatic … [Read more...]
Know Yourself
Know Yourself When I directed, I made sure my crew was staffed with capable people who wanted to learn new skills. In my screenplays, I put my characters in predicaments that test their moral compass and force them to take the path that is … [Read more...]
Effective One on One Meetings
Effective One on One Meetings from Karl Bimshas Consulting … [Read more...]
Stepping Forward
I am not without fear, but I have a knowing. It's not as clear as I'd like, but my inner guide assures me I'm heading in approximately the right direction. A fog of uncertainty obscures the way, and I can only see scant steps before me. … [Read more...]
16th Book
I've got a new book out! It is the third in the "Leadership Essays" Series. It can feel like we are in the midst of a lousy leader epidemic. From laughable errors in judgment and illogical lapses in commonsense, to plots that are more sinister, … [Read more...]
You Can Be an Amazing Leader. We Can Help.
One of the best ways to avoid lousy leaders is by becoming a better leader yourself. When you do that, two things happen. You gain some insight and perhaps empathy for the leader which gives you a thoughtful perspective. You gain the skill, … [Read more...]
Do You Think You Are Amazing?
There's really only one person who matters who has to think you're amazing. Yourself. It's nice when others think you're amazing because it feeds your ego. What really sucks is when someone you think is fantastic doesn't think anything of you, … [Read more...]
We Don’t Solve Your Problems
You don't need to be rescued, saved, or protected. You need to be reminded, heard, and respected. We don't solve your problems. We show you the tools you could use yourself to solve your own damn problems in your own beautiful way. Your needs … [Read more...]
Accidental Manager?
Does your organization have a lot of accidental managers? Are you one yourself? These are the people with good intent, strong skills, and a willingness to help, who are suddenly thrust into a management role. Maybe there was a crisis, a hole that … [Read more...]
Nothing Empowers You More
Nothing empowers you more than setting and achieving a damn good goal! You ready? You can mope around and feel sorry for yourself because, "nothing's working," or you can get your act together, surround yourself with supportive people, and … [Read more...]
Success Doesn’t Happen All At Once
Success doesn't happen all at once. Neither does failure. It is hundreds of little decisions, conversations, actions, and thoughts that make or break you. Make seemingly unimportant nudges in the approximate direction of your dreams every … [Read more...]
Our Lenses
We chose our lenses based on what we want to see. Rotate often between microscope and telescope to reveal new perspectives. Be brave and curious enough to look at things differently. … [Read more...]
When You Can’t Follow, Lead
Despite your best efforts sometimes you simply cannot follow. Maybe you have a values conflict with the leader, the organization, or the cause. There could also be a vacuum. No one is leading an effort. That's when it becomes your calling, and you … [Read more...]
Leadership Isn’t a Game; It’s a Lifestyle
Leadership isn't a game; it's a lifestyle. That's not to say you shouldn't have fun. There's always going to be competition and a desire to win in life. There are also opportunities for collaboration and a desire to make things better for others. … [Read more...]
10 Year Anniversary of The Disposable Journal
Are you tired of carrying anger, sadness, or fear that is immobilizing you or holding you back? It’s time to let it go, regain control and invest in you. The daily prompts you receive in the disposable journal can help you do that in seven … [Read more...]
How Will You Be Remembered … Later Today?
Some people concern themselves with legacy and the impact that will be left when they're gone. Writing your own aspirational obituary can crystallize your thinking and give you a roadmap to live into. But really, once you're gone, you're gone. … [Read more...]
Your Story Doesn’t Define You
Your story doesn't define you; you define your story Most of the success in your life is because of the combination of your attitude and approach. Lousy attitude, lousy success. Great attitude, great success. A large measure is your … [Read more...]
The World is Not Against You
There's a rugged individualism spirit many ambitious people possess. There’s pride and joy in setting a great goal for yourself and achieving it on your own. It's one of the reasons I enjoy writing. I face the blank screen alone, sometimes … [Read more...]
Watch Me Succeed
A few months ago I said farewell to a dear friend who was embarking on a new adventure. Although I was overprotective, her talent, intelligence, entrepreneurial spirit, and sheer grit was overwhelming evidence that she would be successful in whatever … [Read more...]
Help or Not?
Every person must learn the balance between "The instinct to help" versus, "It's none of your damn business." You've got to develop an internal checklist to determine what level of involvement you are willing to commit to. That's where knowing … [Read more...]
The Wave
The wave doesn't care if you're standing in front of it. It doesn't speed up to try and knock you over. It doesn't slow down in an attempt to spare you. A wave is going to do what it does whether you're there or not. You get to decide … [Read more...]
It’s All A Gift
Did you wake up grateful? For what? For waking up. For each breath. For the ability to see and read. For shelter and food. For fingernails and eyelids. For a thousand reasons … but just pick three and relish in them. The odds of you being … [Read more...]
Small Steps
Immediate results are rare and seldom last. Knowing this doesn't stop us from playing the lottery and gambling our long-term success for short-term gains. Some people get lucky. The magic wand produces what they need, often just enough to … [Read more...]
Be Brave and Break Free
I take a lot of pride in the work Karl Bimshas Consulting does with new and established leaders who want to improve what they do so they can manage better and lead well. We don't talk about it a lot, but I'm equally proud of what we do … [Read more...]
Mopey Mondays
Quick Reminder: We don't do Mopey Mondays around here. Monday is for brushing yourself off and pursuing your dreams with renewed vigor. Go get 'em! https://youtu.be/rURCngUpCfw … [Read more...]
Fail Well
Reminder, if you're not afraid to fail, you are already a stronger leader than most. It means you have humility and curiosity. You may have fears, but they are not greater than your bravery. If you do fail, your attitude ensures you'll still learn … [Read more...]
Do The Work
Leading well is not always easy. It's not glamorous. It doesn't photograph well. It's not Instagram-able. Many times, good leadership can look like lousy leadership if you don't know the context or intent. And most don't. You don't typically … [Read more...]
I Want Your Leadership Business
It would be generous to say that of those who are currently in a leadership position, about 50% actively care about personal and team improvement. As a regular reader of my newsletter, blog, and books, or a listener of my show, you’re different. … [Read more...]
About Perfection
Let's be realistic, in all but a few professions, perfection is more of an ideal and a goal than it is a reality. After all, we are all human and have flaws. Sometimes our imperfections make us unique and beautiful. Sometimes they give us an … [Read more...]
How Much Do You Pay in Lousy Leader Tax?
Leaders play an important role in any organization. Great ones have a compound additive effect which we frequently celebrate. Are those accolades overstated? If esteemed polls and studies are to be believed, we seldom crack the 30-35% range of fully … [Read more...]
Take Leadership Seriously and Yourself Lightly
Even self-leadership, which can be the most difficult, because of your varying levels of obstinance, procrastination, perfectionism, and self-confidence, requires a gentle, nudge. Leadership is important. It can have positive or negative effects … [Read more...]
Start to Lead – Dare to Give a Damn
Imagine if you started to lead, instead of whining. What could you accomplish if you dared to give a damn? Live your values and act on purpose. It is the simplest, most straightforward way you can identify leadership in yourself and … [Read more...]
Leadership Can Be Lonely
Did you know many busy leaders feel like an imposter because they are struggling with their self-leadership? As a result, their confidence takes a hit, and they find themselves failing to speak up or advocate for better ideas. They tuck away … [Read more...]
Friends Don’t Let Friends Become Lousy Leaders
Ever come across a friend or family member who was screwing up their leadership? It usually happens about 18 months into their role. By that time the honeymoon is over and they start clashing with employees and colleagues. You might not notice it … [Read more...]
Is Your Leadership Working?
▫️Are you getting the results you want and need? ▫️Do you have a high-performing team, or just a group of people who work together? ▫️Are you energized or drained at the end (or the beginning) of each … [Read more...]
14 Reasons
Here are 14 common reasons busy professionals seek leadership development with Karl Bimshas Consulting. How many are true for you? I am questioning my motivations, values, and purpose. I think my decision making is wishy-washy, but I am … [Read more...]
Falling Prey to Lousy Leadership
It starts with convenience and familiarity. The lousy leader is known to you; charming and fun to be around, or they may have helped you during tough times, so you feel indebted. Soon, they want you to do special favors for them. They are acts you … [Read more...]
Be Outspoken
Diplomacy and tact are worthy pursuits. It doesn't harm you to slow down and provide a little thought before spouting off something that could be hurtful to others. There's no reason to be intentionally rude when making a point. When you've got the … [Read more...]
Rejecting Leadership
There's a trend where a lot of good people are distancing themselves from the term, "leader," because it leaves a bad taste in their mouth. What about you? Do you reject leadership? I can't blame you, you might have lousy role models, be … [Read more...]
Pushing Back the Ocean
When we are focused on pursuing meaningful goals, it is easier to push back on the unrelenting wave of cynics crashing across our path. Introduction: Tide Turning It’s amazing to me the number of people I have come across who do not appear to put … [Read more...]
Two Lousy Leaders
When a good leader turns a blind eye to a bad leader, you have two lousy leaders. Life is full of difficult choices. Loyalty and honor are real but can get warped. Pay attention to who earns your loyalty and how you define honor. Does your code hurt … [Read more...]
Don’t Be Afraid to Lead
I come across a lot of capable people who are afraid to lead. Frequently they are blind to the fact that they are already leading. By having a vision, acting upon it, and gathering resources to help fulfill it, they are well on their way. It … [Read more...]
The Write Goal; How to Finally Get Your Writing Project Written
I've come across many people filled with a desire to start their writing project. Nearly all of them have a book in them, but few can get it out. Introducing a new program from Karl Bimshas Consulting. In The Write Goal, you'll … [Read more...]
Empathy and Curiosity
Empathy and curiosity are two traits a lousy leader can't comprehend. They are the same traits a great leader calls upon instinctively. Empathy is about warmth first, even without fully understanding the predicament. It is grace and compassion … [Read more...]
Must Be Present to Win
Every day there's more history being made. It's important to learn from the past. How did others face challenges similar to your own? The future is predictable only if we study patterns, test models, examine theories, and dare to imagine. The … [Read more...]
Passion on a Pedestal
Stop seeking passion. It will elude you until it sees you working. What you are passionate about is the thing you are most willing to suffer for, enduring it for 10, 15, 20 years or more. Passion is the endeavor you cannot stop doing. It consumes … [Read more...]
New Day
When you are on purpose, the dawn of each day is filled with potential and excitement. It's your chance to hit the reset button while countless others around you fumble for the snooze. Such is the power of a great goal. It fuels your mornings, no … [Read more...]
Don’t just sit there. Think about it.
When was the last time you thought? I'm not talking about dwelling, regretting, wishing, or worrying. I'm talking about honest to goodness, calorie burning, serious thinking. Not scenario planning and what-iffing, not endless rumination. … [Read more...]
Be a Better Gatekeeper
Stop taking random advice from people. Be a better gatekeeper and pay attention to those who make you think, laugh, and take action. Preferably all three. We have such excellent access to knowledge, new perspectives, and views of the world. … [Read more...]
Summer Special on Assessments
Karl Bimshas Consulting's popular leadership assessments are a quick way to get a sense of self and gain perspective. 📕DISC, for how you communicate 📗Emotional Intelligence, for how you make decisions 📘Hartman Value … [Read more...]
Your 90 Day Review
1. Review the last 90 days of your life. You set some big goals -- how ya doing? Do you need to adjust them? Don't go smaller. Reach higher. 2. You met new people. Did anyone positively influence your life, your goals, your success? Have you … [Read more...]
Don’t Be the A-Hole on The Team
How can you be a good team leader without being an a-hole? They say there’s no I in team, yet, executive suites and corner offices remain havens for barrel-chested man-babies who treat people like they are disposable. In “Don’t Be the A-Hole on … [Read more...]
Harmony Over Balance
I don’t like the personal development industry’s “Wheel of Life” because I think balance is the wrong thing to attempt to achieve. Have you ever tried to accomplish perfect balance? Balancing anything is difficult and all-consuming. The practice … [Read more...]
13 Months
I keep a baker's dozen of empty Wellbutrin bottles in my closet and look at them once in awhile, to remind myself of the 13 months of hellish depression I went through several years ago. The cause doesn't matter. Once depression grabs you by the … [Read more...]
Quick Ways to Be a Good Leader
I’m pleased to announce the second volume in our new three-part leadership series, "Manage Better and Lead Well." These short read e-books are designed for busy professionals who want to manage better and lead well in their new or … [Read more...]
Visceral Leadership
I have a visceral reaction to leadership that has never let me down. It operates on both extremes of the continuum. It's no secret that lousy leadership pisses me off; not only because these type of leaders tend to be arrogant dicks, but because … [Read more...]
How to Fix Your Whine at Work
Whining is unattractive, unproductive and unprofessional. I’m pleased to announce part-one of a new three-part leadership series of e-books for busy professionals who want to manage better and lead well. “How to Fix Your Whine at … [Read more...]
How Do You Invest Your Time Over a Long Weekend?
Remembering? This weekend, you will no doubt make time to remember fallen heroes. Reconnecting? Do you make time to reach out to family, friends and the other important people in your life? Relaxing? Will you spend time in a hammock or a … [Read more...]
“Let Me Fail.”
I recently shared dinner with a dear friend who was about to embark on a new adventure. She alternated between bouts of excitement and nervousness, possessing the natural joy that comes from stretching outside your comfort zone, coupled with the … [Read more...]
How You Become Successful Matters
Becoming successful, however you define it for yourself, is great but don't get lulled into thinking there's only one path. Avoid putting people whose success you admire, on a pedestal. Lousy leaders can be very successful, but there's a toll and … [Read more...]
Simple Rule
Ask yourself, “What would a lousy leader do?” Then, make damn sure you don’t do that. Success leaves clues, so does failure. Pay attention to the lessons that surround you. Very few wake up in the morning determined to be a lousy leader, but through … [Read more...]
You’ve Got This
Great leaders do not get that way overnight. They face obstacles and the temptation to take the easy way out. Unlike lousy leaders, they do not succumb when things get difficult. Effective leaders persevere through crisis and stay fixated on their … [Read more...]
Alone, or with Your Flock, Soar
Sometimes you have to be independent and chart your own course. You will fly high, and far, and have a broad perspective on your world, up above the fray. Other times, you will want company, share resources, communicate with your friends, cheer … [Read more...]
Why? Because!
Once you become an adult, there's something you can stop doing, but most don't. It is important to know your *why* - the motivation, inspiration, reason that compels you to pursue the big goal in your life. It helps you to understand why, but you do … [Read more...]
Enjoy Leading or Don’t Lead
Not every day is sunshine and unicorns. Leading is not always fun. You need to make tough decisions between choices that aren't any good. That is what leaders do. If you thought it was giving commands to people to satisfy your whim, you … [Read more...]
There’s a lot of Great Leadership Out There
There's a lot of great leadership out there. The problem is, many of the great leaders are not in leadership positions. Partly because some of them do not consider what they do to be leadership. Their humility is refreshing, but they are wrong, … [Read more...]
No Refuge for Poor Leaders
If you pay someone for advice and they caution you against hiring a capable and attractive person of the opposite sex so that you may protect yourself and resist temptation, fire them. If you take their advice or have hesitated to hire qualified … [Read more...]
Walk with Purpose, Not Confusion
You will not know where you are headed every moment of every day. Life is full of surprises that will push you off track, distract you, or lead you in an entirely new direction. Know your purpose and be undeterred. Relish the adventure of the unknown … [Read more...]
Leadership Ingredients
There are lots of attributes they say a leader should have. Ignore them. Those attributes are the seasoning that gives the meal a pleasant flavor. As a leader, concern yourself with the proper nutrition first, then spice it up. Otherwise, it … [Read more...]
Does Your Criticism Suck?
Leadership takes many forms and comes from many voices. We want more of those leadership voices heard, so we occasionally publish a guest post on our "Reflections on Leadership" blog. This one is from 30-something millennial, Jenny Christopher. If … [Read more...]
Today is Your 90 Day Review
Review the last 90 days of your life. You set some big goals -- how ya doing? Do you need to adjust them? Don't go smaller. Reach higher. You met new people. Did anyone positively influence your life, your goals, your success? Have you … [Read more...]
You Always Make a Difference
If you don't think you do ... keep thinking until you find a way you can. Then go do that. You won't always know how, when, or why, but you will always make a difference. You won't always know who, or what is affected by your actions, but it is … [Read more...]
Lead the Change or Lead the Same
Want to change things? Lead the change. Don't want things to change? Lead the same. You can sit back and be a nonparticipating observer 95% of the time. You will either remain blissful or stew in resentment; depending upon your attitude and … [Read more...]
Sometimes You Are Wrong
You are not infallible. You make mistakes. It is an uncomfortable feeling, knowing you goofed. Many people try to avoid the sensation of being wrong by never speaking up, never standing up, never venturing into the unknown. They feel safe and secure … [Read more...]