Love is rising, and joy is returning. People from all walks of life have had their fill of division, chaos, greed, and hate. No one is naive enough to believe those things are eradicated, but it is time for the purveyors of misery to return to the holes from which they crawled out.
Dictators and their authoritarian ways are finally being mocked and deposed. Selfish acts of revenge are receding, replaced by the strength of laughter. Worthy competitors are spreading love and respect, not venom and vitriol. Rights are being restored, and wrongs are being corrected. The guilty are increasingly held to account, and many in power have begun acting responsibly. Myopic thinking is giving way to possibilities.
The struggles are not over. The forces of hate, bigotry, and misogyny are most dangerous when they first lose their grip on power, influence, and decision-making. But the work boots, sandals, and stilettos of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are united in their parade upon the fingertips that cling to archaic dreams of a dubious future.
There is an awakening. Songs and celebrations of goodwill ricochet across the globe. Good people are dusting themselves off, removing the cobwebs long embedded in the recesses of their minds, and seeing old things with new eyes.
There will be stumbles and setbacks—there always are. Many of those used to being neglected will, in all likelihood, still suffer. But as new rays of light illuminate and disinfect the old ways, more and more, humanity’s collective negligence will diminish.
A fresh breeze, a brighter tomorrow, a lighter step in our confident strides, as the anxiety-fueled feelings in the pit of our stomachs give way to the quickening anticipation in our hearts. Bit by bit, happiness is returning. The possibility is returning. Innovation, curiosity, empathy, stewardship, sanity, and peace of mind are returning. A new roaring 20s is finally emerging.
Celebrate as you should. But join in a cause of meaningful purpose because you must.
Freedom and democracy require happy warriors. Prepare and fight the good fight.