Are there bad apples and people who, despite your best efforts, are no longer a good fit for your organization? Sure, although they don’t usually become that way on their own.
Find the managers who say some members of their team “simply can’t be taught,” are “a lost cause,” or “just don’t want to work,” and you have found your primary cause of dysfunction.
Now, you won’t have the appetite for this, but instead of the five why’s, ask five who’s. Questions like, Who hired or promoted that manager, or who thought that attitude was acceptable?
Eventually, if you’re the organization’s head and you’re honest, the uncomfortable “fifth who” will likely be you.
Are you going to remove yourself? In particularly egregious circumstances, that might be best. Barring that, how will you change your behavior so that everyone knows what is no longer acceptable?
Give it some thought, and if you genuinely want to manage better and lead well, give me a call.