I don’t want to split hairs; empowerment is great and all, but I’ve never liked the word. It implies power is being given to you by someone else.
It feels patriarchal to call yourself “empowered” because your borrowed agency remains rooted in someone with more power loaning you a smidge of theirs.
The problem is, those who make loans eventually want repayment, typically with interest. And, news to no one, your best interest is not usually what they are looking after. That’s when it gets messy.
I say, skip all that. Don’t wait to be empowered. Just be powerful.
You don’t need the permission of some goofy middle-aged white guy on the internet. You can always bestow that gift to yourself, permit yourself to rise, take authority, make decisions, act with accountability, etc. Leadership is taken, not given. Be powerful now. Own it.
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