It’s okay to oscillate in your life and with your leadership. In fact, I’d encourage you to do so. Regularly scan your surroundings and your interests, back and forth; taking note of changes in the landscape, people’s beliefs, and your opinion. This predictability is a strength.
To vacillate, however, is a weakness. Churning like a whirling dervish, from one pursuit to another, either in conversation or in action, is haphazard. Your claims of multi-tasking well become laughable. All the unsteady swaying unnecessarily burns your energy and drains others. It alludes to a lack of purpose and makes you susceptible to whim. While that may be fun in the short term, impulse tends to leave a trail of incompleteness.
Being deliberate does not mean you are stagnating. Nor does it mean your position is rigid. Yes, your core is fixed and grounded, but your ability to sensibly pivot is reliable and consistent. Take a stand and firmly root your values, then survey the landscape as you continue to develop and grow.