Do you have a leadership strategy for your business, or is it closer to whim?
Answer True or False to the following.
- You have established short and long-term goals for your business.
- You know the leadership skills, behaviors, work environment impact, quantity, and capability of talent that needs to be developed to meet immediate and future needs.
- You have and use a leadership competency model that fits your company requirements.
- You have short and long-term leadership objectives and success measures aligned with your competency model.
- You conduct after-action reviews regularly and incorporate lessons learned into your ongoing strategy.
Score twenty points for each true statement.
How did you do?
You don’t have to score 100 points to be successful. There are rudderless sailboats, after all, and they get along just fine. Still, if you’re leading your organization, or part of a bigger one, wouldn’t you feel more secure and confident with a map charting your direction? You’d undoubtedly look more competent.
ACTION: Pick one statement you answered as false and turn it into a leadership development priority for you. Repeat as necessary.