You are halfway through the year. How are you doing on your goals? Riding high, or don’t want to think about it until you’re back from vacation?
Halftime is a great time to review the past 90-180 days of your life to see what’s been going on.
You set some big goals — how are you doing? Do you need to adjust them? Don’t go smaller. Reach higher.
You met new people. Did anyone positively influence your life, your goals, your success? Have you appreciated them?
Where have you spent your time and money these last three to six months? Your answer gives a hint as to what you value. Knowing that, will anything change?
What have you tolerated that you swore you would stop putting up with?
What fear have you conquered, challenge overcome, talent strengthened so far this year?
What commitments have you made but not yet kept?
What promises have you delivered?
What have you learned about yourself?
What actions, decisions, and communications do you need to complete to feel good about yourself?
How have you celebrated your successes and near successes so far?
What do you want to do, have, or be in the next 90-180 days?
Look at your targets for the year. What are you going to do if you’re off track? A lousy boss might suggest to you, “Let’s re-evaluate your goals. Maybe you were too ambitious.”
That’s the wrong approach. Never let someone belittle your ambitions.
And never lower your target.
If you’re not meeting your goal;
Double it.
Triple it.
10X it.
You’re not failing to achieve a goal because it’s too hard. You’re failing to meet it because you’re not working hard enough on it. You’re allowing distractions to compete with your dreams.
I’m not talking about someone else’s goals for you — I’m talking about the goals you set for yourself. Make them bigger. Keep growing them until you reignite that excitement you had when you first set them.
Don’t quit because it’s hard.
Don’t whine because things weren’t handed to you on a silver platter.
Work harder.
Don’t shrug; like you don’t know these answers.
Leaders don’t shrug. Leaders lead.
It’s only halftime. There’s still time, but every moment is now more valuable. Don’t waste any more of them.