Everyone has their thing. It might be zouk dancing, skeet shooting, gourmet cooking, or 5K running. The passion, flow-inducing activities you engage in can clear your mind, center your soul, calm your nerves, and inspire you to achieve greater things within yourself.
It’s great to try new things, to expand your horizon, meet new people, or strengthen existing bonds, but there is one (maybe more) thing in your life that others can not tear you away from.
These are the things that many will take pictures of and post on Instagram. You talk endlessly about it, and your friends roll their eyes but also encourage you — because they are friends.
For me, it is writing. When I cannot think, I write. When I cannot speak, I write. When I cannot sleep, I write. Twenty-five percent of the time I seek another alternative. 75% of the time, I turn to writing.
It’s not particularly glamorous. It doesn’t make for thrilling photos. For many, it’s not regarded as a sexy activity. I make no apologies for it. It’s my thing.
I know, judging by the hundreds of sales of this poster => (When to Write) that others share the sentiment.
Bottom-line. Do your thing. Keep doing it, every day and exceptionally well.