When you share an idea or a goal with people it can be risky because most will have a negative knee-jerk reaction. Whatever their motivation; protective love or bitter hidden jealousy, many will say or do things to squash your dreams.
Then there are the insincere, who smile and nod in approval and say you’re great but mock you behind your back. People like that are using you and assume you’re too naive too figure it out.
There is the rare and special group — those who genuinely believe in you. These people are not wearing rose-colored glasses or putting you on a pedestal. In fact, you may have many meaningful arguments. They know your resolve and hold you to the high standards you espouse. They light your way when you’re in darkness, they brag about your accomplishments to others. They see opportunities and threats to your achievements and attempt to clear the path for you, often voluntarily.
The people who genuinely believe in you and your success are not your enemies. There are times they will anger you more than others because what they say to you will not always be pleasant to hear, but their belief is strong enough to say what others won’t.
A cheerleader will smile through it all. A fan will scream at you for dumb plays because they know you’re better than that and they want you to win. Be discerning. Don’t favor the platitudes of casual observers over the insights of faithful friends.