I come across a lot of capable people who are afraid to lead. Frequently they are blind to the fact that they are already leading. By having a vision, acting upon it, and gathering resources to help fulfill it, they are well on their way.
It starts with self-leadership. Some skip this step, but eventually, there is a reckoning and correction that requires attention here.
Then there is leading another individual. Successful partnerships of any kind are a dance between who leads, who follows, and when.
There are team and organizational leadership. Moreover, there is governance. You needn’t ever take on these advanced roles to be considered a leader. You are a leader in your family, among friends, of a volunteer group or committee. Most importantly, especially if you have fear, you are responsible for leading yourself.
Study leadership. Get better at leading and following. Leadership is everywhere. When you get the chance to lead, I want you to take it, and I want you to lead well.