Did you make a shopping list before you ran your errands?
Did you create a packing list when you last traveled?
Did you work off a task list last week?
If you answered no to any of the previous questions, did you forget something, feel disappointed, or end up spending more time or money to make up for being inefficient?
If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, how does it feel?
What about your life, do you have a success plan for that? Shouldn’t that merit at least as much thought and effort as your errands? When you ignore the ingredients required to bake a cake, it’s a recipe for disaster. Is your life less complicated than that?
No. It is not.
So it makes sense that you would make a Master Plan filled with goals of things and experiences you want to do, be or have over the next year, three years, five years and over the next decade.
Did you make a ten-year plan in 2005?
Have you exceeded your expectations since then?
Yes, a lot can happen in ten years. That is kind of the point. A lot
is going to happen. Are you going to be one of the people who makes things happen, or are you going to let things happen to you? Will you take a leadership stance toward your life or a BOHICA position?
“PLAN BETTER THIS YEAR” is a complimentary guide you can get which delves into the three common mistakes people keep making that keeps them from their goals.
Download it now if you care about making an effective plan for yourself.
Last week I shared 10 Steps to a Better Personal Plan. Karl Bimshas Consulting can help you achieve any one, or all of them so that you set yourself up for a successful year.
This week, I want to offer help to you on steps 7 – Goal Harvesting, and 8 -Develop the Master Plan, for only $99.
Yes, I want help and more information today!
Click Here