People in our society talk themselves out of their dreams way too easily. That hurts, so they often take a pill for relief. What if people tried to live their dream instead? In 2011, I published, Perspectives; A 30 Day Journal to View Your World Differently. It was an attempt to turn the tide by presenting a daily thought or idea for you to consider differently.
Here is the first third of them.
1. Want a more exciting life? Make your decisions faster. You’ll either do good things quicker or learn how to correct your errors swiftly. A caution, making decisions before you know your objective is like throwing ingredients into a bowl then determining what you want to eat. That’s the wrong order. Pick the life you want to live and then live it. No excuses. No apologies.
Who are you? What do you want to do next? What decisions have you been putting off? Make them today.
2. When you were a child, did you ask permission to make believe? Give yourself permission to do it again to rediscover yourself. We should spend less time on who we’ll be one day and more time embracing who we are right now. What if you were a better version of that person?
What are your current strengths?
3. We nearly always find what we’re looking for. The problem is, we usually find it when we’re looking for something else, so we tend not to notice.
Look for good things today. What else did you notice?
4. An idea and a simple pen are powerful enough tools to raise human aspirations, faiths and nations. That makes the random rejections you may encounter along the way seem rather measly.
What rejections have you felt recently and how did you get over them?
5. Anyone who pours salad dressing from a bottle knows that a little shake up improves things considerably. When you don’t know the ingredients, and can’t add seasoning, stir the pot.
What can you shake up today to release more flavor into your life?
6. Success moves in the opposite direction of negativity.
What three things have you been most negative about recently and how will you change your attitude about them?
7. Accept feedback as a gift. What you do with the gift is your choice. Being defensive or elated over it is up to you. It might be like receiving an ugly sweater, regardless of how you feel you still give Auntie a kiss and say thank you.
What ten people can you show gratitude toward today?
8. The best time to act is when the thought first strikes you. Don’t wait for a better time, it doesn’t exist.
What’s the most important thing you have to do today?
9. Be comfortable failing. It shows you have high self-esteem. Learn from your mistakes and move on without dwelling.
What did you recently fail at and what did you learn?
10. Those who use the word “can’t” often lack imagination; those who ignore it often create magic.
What can you do today? What do you choose to do?